Towards a Fairer and Less Corrupt Society

Latova N.V., Latov Y.V.
Towards a Fairer and Less Corrupt Society // Life Expectations of the People. Research Series on the Chinese Dream and China’s Development Path. / Eds. by P. Li, M.K. Gorshkov. Singapore: Springer, 2021. P. 247-261.

Глава из книги: Life Expectations of the People. Research Series on the Chinese Dream and China’s Development Path. / Eds. by P. Li, M.K. Gorshkov. Singapore: Springer, 2021. - 303 p.
ISBN 978-981-16-2504-6
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-2505-3_16

Размещена на сайте: 24.01.22

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Ссылка при цитировании:

Latova N.V., Latov Y.V. Towards a Fairer and Less Corrupt Society // Life Expectations of the People. Research Series on the Chinese Dream and China’s Development Path. / Eds. by P. Li, M.K. Gorshkov. Singapore: Springer, 2021. P. 247-261. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-2505-3_16.
Latova N.V., Latov Yu.V. Towards a Fairer and Less Corrupt Society. In: Life Expectations of the People. Research Series on the Chinese Dream and China’s Development Path. / Eds. by P. Li, M.K. Gorshkov. Singapore: Springer, 2021. P. 247-261. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-2505-3_16.


It has already been mentioned before that most Russians nowadays dream of social justice, equal rights and, at the same time, a strong state that takes care of its citizens. That is their notion of an ideal future society. Many Russians also emphasize such values as “human rights, democracy, freedom of expression” (28%), “stability and economic development without revolutions or turmoil” (27%), and “Russia becoming a great power again” (27%).1 In essence, the core of this “macro-dream” is associated with state-society relations. In a way, we can even say that “the Russian dream” is that of a “good” state; even global geopolitical and economic problems fall by the wayside. State-society relations constitute one of the key issues in social studies. It runs like a golden thread throughout the history of social thought, from Confucius and Aristotle in ancient times, to J. Locke and T. Hobbes in the early modern period, to our contemporaries J. Buchanan and F. Fukuyama. All the great thinkers considered state-society relations to be fundamental for public order and peace. They understood that, should those in power stop helping those they are ruling, and should the latter become completely alienated from the authorities, the state and society are doomed. They dreamed of a harmonious relationship between those in power and society and tried to develop new practical ways that would help bring utopia to life.

Ключевые слова:

russian dream corruption anti-corruption policy civil society


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