Autonomy at work as a feature of flexible employment
Попова И.П.
Autonomy at work as a feature of flexible employment // Social class in the Russian society. Studies of the social classes and social change of contemporary Russia / ed. by J. Nikula, M. Chernysh. Saarbrucken: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010. P. 80-103.
ISBN 978-3-8383-4709-7
Размещена на сайте: 13.12.10
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The article associates autonomy at work with the issue of flexible employment (flexibility), an important feature of global postindustrial trends. In Russian conditions, flexible employment with its scale, role and institutionalization has mostly represented a gap in the general field of research on the current processes. Yet, Russian context raises not only the issues of resources and potential of flexible forms of organization of employment, but also those concerning the nature of such flexibility, its impact on different social processes, including the evolution of occupational structure. Some of the issues are addressed in the study of trends of autonomy at work as characteristic for flexible employment, conducted on the ground of the database of the international monitoring research “Social distinctions in present day Russia” (surveys were conducted in 1999 and 2007 by the Institute of Sociology, RAS with the application of a similar methods based on all-Russian sampling). Three types of autonomy (based on employees’ self-assessment) were analyzed including those related to the contents of work, to its organization, as well as total autonomy. Conducted analysis allows for some conclusions concerning changes in development of these types of autonomy during some recent ten years, as well concerning the nature of these changes.
Ключевые слова:
autonomy at work flexible employment flexibility occupational structureРубрики:
Социальная структура и стратификацияСоциология профессий и профессиональных групп
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