Polish and Russian Youth: Education and Work in Changing Society

Константиновский Д.Л., Вознесенская Е.Д., Чередниченко Г.А., Попова Е.С.
Polish and Russian Youth: Education and Work in Changing Society / edited by Krystyna Szafraniec and David Konstantinovskiy. Moscow: Institute of Sociology Russian Academy of Sciences, 2013, p. 164, 1 CD ROM.
ISBN 978-5-89697-229-7

Размещена на сайте: 27.02.14

Текст книги.

Ссылка при цитировании:

Константиновский Д.Л., Вознесенская Е.Д., Чередниченко Г.А., Попова Е.С. Polish and Russian Youth: Education and Work in Changing Society / edited by Krystyna Szafraniec and David Konstantinovskiy. Moscow: Institute of Sociology Russian Academy of Sciences, 2013, p. 164, 1 CD ROM.


The book consists of Russian and Polish sociologists’ articles. In this articles the social problems of young people, related to the spheres of education and labor with the transition from education into employment are analyzed. The impact of the modernization of education in couple with the modification of the labor market and demographic processes is considered. The studies showed that the causes of the changes and their consequences are related to globalization, but at the same time they are depending differently on the specificity of the country. Considered social processes have a significant impact on the social structure in both countries.

The book was prepared in the course of the joint research project “Youth-Education-Society” realization in the framework of cooperation between the Polish and Russian Academies of Sciences

Ключевые слова:

education work polish youth russian youth



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