Yantsky Oleg. Notes on Sociology of Globalization
Yantsky Oleg. Notes on Sociology of Globalization // Journal of Social Science Research, 2015, Vol 8, No 1, p. 1478-1484.
ISSN 2321-1091
Размещена на сайте: 21.06.15
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Яницкий О.Н.Аннотация
The notes contain some comments related to the ongoing debates on sociology of globalization concentrated on U. Beck’s idea of ‘cosmopolitisation’ and the shaping of ‘cosmopolitan communities.’ A forthcoming paradigm shift in social sciences; the definition of ‘cosmopolitanism’ and the establishment of ‘cosmopolitan communities’; what is the first phase of cosmopolitisation showed; an idea and possible scenarios of it realization; critics of ‘cosmopolitisation theory’ concept; ‘cosmopolitanism’ vs. corporate (or cluster) nationalism; and what is going now and what should be done – are main issues in question. Author concluded that: the evolutionary potential of existing sociology is not exhausted; an ‘anthropological shock’ should be avoided; much more attention should be given to the study of economic and political sources of current disasters; and that local and global sociologists should be much more active in public arena and environmental politics.
Ключевые слова:
cities community corporate nationalism ‘cosmopolitisation’ environment globalization politics risksРубрики:
Социология риска и катастрофЭкосоциология
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