
 ..,  ..
: // : . 2016 / ; . . . . . . : , 2016. . 267-302.
ISBN 978-5-8243-2049-7
: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=27123280

: 28.11.16

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 ..,  .. : // : . 2016 / ; . . . . . . : , 2016. . 267-302.
Patrushev S.V., Filippova L.E. Institutional basis of mass politics: the contours of the study // Polics and Science at the crossroads of our time: to the end of the Jubilee Congress of RPSA. Yearbook 2016 / Russian Political Science Association; Ch.Ed. A.I, Soloviev. - M.: Political Encyclopedia, 2016 - S.267-302.

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mass politics masses citizen multitude rights mobilization representation participation action democracy


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