
: . - --: , 2017. - 168 .
ISBN 978-5-6040247-7-5
: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=32873361
: 18.05.18

.. : . - --: , 2017. - 168 .
Corporatism of subjects of administrative management in the Russian society: monograph. - Rostov-on-Don: Publishing house The Foundation for Science and Education, 2017. - 168 p.
Corporatism of subjects of administrative management in the Russian society: monograph. - Rostov-on-Don: Publishing house The Foundation for Science and Education, 2017. - 168 p.
, , - . , . , , 2017 . . , , , , , .
corporatism subjects of administrative management activity of officials russian society:
, :
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// . 1: : , , , , , . 2017. 3. .181-187 - . .
// . . 2017. 3. . 261-265. - . .
- : // : , , , , . 2017. 4. .127-137. - . .
// : (, 19-21 2016 ) [ ] V / . . .. . . .: , 2016. . 3181-3193. - . .
- : // : (, 19-21 2016 ) [ ] V / . . .. . . .: , 2016. . 3210-3218.