Green Jobs in Sociological Theories of Professions // Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging.View from Russia:[Electronic resource]: collected papers European Sociological Association 14th Conference “Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging”(Manchester, GB, Augest 20-24, 2019)/ Editor-in-Chief V. Mansurov. Moscow: RSS; FCTAS RAS. 2019. P. 226-235. 1 CD ROM; 12 sm – system requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/10 – Title from disk label.

Ермолаева Ю.В., Стрельцова И.А.
Green Jobs in Sociological Theories of Professions // Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging.View from Russia:[Electronic resource]: collected papers European Sociological Association 14th Conference “Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging”(Manchester, GB, Augest 20-24, 2019)/ Editor-in-Chief V. Mansurov. Moscow: RSS; FCTAS RAS. 2019. P. 226-235. 1 CD ROM; 12 sm – system requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/10 – Title from disk label.

Глава из книги: Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging.View from Russia:[Electronic resource]: collected papers European Sociological Association 14th Conference “Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging”(Manchester, GB, Augest 20-24, 2019)/ Editor-in-Chief V. Mansurov. Moscow: RSS; FCTAS RAS. 2019. 328 p. 1 CD ROM; 12 sm – system requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/10 – Title from disk label.
ISBN 978-5-904804-29-9

Размещена на сайте: 09.09.19

Текст статьи.

Ссылка при цитировании:

Ермолаева Ю.В., Стрельцова И.А. Green Jobs in Sociological Theories of Professions // Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging.View from Russia:[Electronic resource]: collected papers European Sociological Association 14th Conference “Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging”(Manchester, GB, Augest 20-24, 2019)/ Editor-in-Chief V. Mansurov. Moscow: RSS; FCTAS RAS. 2019. P. 226-235. 1 CD ROM; 12 sm – system requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/10 – Title from disk label.
Ermolaeva Y.V., Streltsova I.A. Green Jobs in Sociological Theories of Professions. In: Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging.View from Russia:[Electronic resource]: collected papers European Sociological Association 14th Conference “Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging”(Manchester, GB, Augest 20-24, 2019)/ Editor-in-Chief V. Mansurov. Moscow: RSS; FCTAS RAS. 2019. P. 226-235. 1 CD ROM; 12 sm – system requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/10 – Title from disk label.


Along with the increasing influence of the need to respect the goals of sustainable development, there is a need to modernize the labor market. In Russia, eco-modernization is just beginning and it is necessary to study the subject area of green professions and the specifics of the formation of the green jobs market, where it is especially important to take into account the social aspects of the program, which meaningfully fill the national component in the field of labor market formation. In this article, we will lay the foundation for studying the problems of the green profession in Russia as a subject area, since it is important for a Russian researcher to take into account the global program of economic development, especially in conjunction with the need to follow global sustainable development goals.This article reveals the concepts and subject of the study of the green and ecologically oriented profession within the sociology of professional groups from the point of view of the triune aproach of sustainable development (ecology, economics, social aspect), and also shows the previous research methods.It is highlighted that there are differences in the interpretation of the concept in the context of sustainable development, the strengthening of the relevant aspects from the point of view of an ecological, economic, and sociological aproach.

Ключевые слова:

green jobs green profession employment job economy



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