Toshchenko Z. From Phenomenon to Noumenon: Methodological and Methodical Search in Sociology. Social Sciences, 2019, Vol. 50, Issue 4, pp. 80-92.
Тощенко Ж.Т.
Toshchenko Z. From Phenomenon to Noumenon: Methodological and Methodical Search in Sociology. Social Sciences, 2019, Vol. 50, Issue 4, pp. 80-92.
ISSN 0134-5486 (print); ISSN 1938-2553 (online)
DOI: 10.21557/SSC.56924919
Размещена на сайте: 24.01.20
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Ссылка при цитировании:
Toshchenko Z. From Phenomenon to Noumenon: Methodological and Methodical Search in Sociology. Social Sciences, 2019, Vol. 50, Issue 4, pp. 80-92. DOI: 10.21557/SSC.56924919.
The author has analyzed the extent to which the categories and concepts used Ьу contemporary sociology are adequate to the possibilities and requirements of scientific cognition-deep-rooted meanings of the studied processes and phenomena. Не has demonstrated that sociology limits itself mainly to traditional approaches based on the analysis of phenomena, viz., obvious and relatively clearly interpreted social processes and appearances and proceeded from the conception of the sociology of life to demonstrate that, despite the huge variety of methodological orientations and methods, sociological studies concentrate mainly on identification, use and taking into account the indicators of the lifeworld expressed Ьу the means of social consciousness (knowledge, opinions, requirements, motives, axiological orientations, attitudes, interests, etc.), behavior, activity (acts, deeds, actions), macro-, meso- and micro-environment. This approach presents all components of lifeworld as phenomena perceived in experience, as objects of sensual contemplation and а product of empirical knowledge. The author has offered а well-substantiated conclusion that this approach seriously limits the capabilities of cognition. We need different methodologies and methods based on the noumenon as а category that gives us а chance to identify the intelligiЫe latent essence of phenomena and processes through studies, apprehension and speculative comprehension. The noumenon is defined; its main characteristics are described. The author has also analyzed the efforts of sociologists to ascent from the phenomenon to the noumenon; offered certain means and methods of its application when it comes to explanation and interpretation of the lifeworld as а studied social reality.
Ключевые слова:
categories and concepts of sociology methodology methods phenomenon noumenonРубрики:
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