Sergeyeva O., Bogomiagkova E., Orekh E., Kolesnik N. (2020) Gamification of Civic Engagement in Smart Cities (New Russian Practices). In: Ben Ahmed M., Boudhir A., Santos D., El Aroussi M., Karas İ. (eds) Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Edition 3. SCA 2019. Lecture Notes in Intelligent Transportation and Infrastructure. Springer, Cham. Р. 53-62.
Sergeyeva O., Bogomiagkova E., Orekh E., Kolesnik N. (2020) Gamification of Civic Engagement in Smart Cities (New Russian Practices). In: Ben Ahmed M., Boudhir A., Santos D., El Aroussi M., Karas İ. (eds) Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Edition 3. SCA 2019. Lecture Notes in Intelligent Transportation and Infrastructure. Springer, Cham. Р. 53-62.
ISBN 978-3-030-37628-4 (print); 978-3-030-37629-1 (online)
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-37629-1_5
Размещена на сайте: 31.07.20
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Ссылка при цитировании:
Sergeyeva O., Bogomiagkova E., Orekh E., Kolesnik N. (2020) Gamification of Civic Engagement in Smart Cities (New Russian Practices). In: Ben Ahmed M., Boudhir A., Santos D., El Aroussi M., Karas İ. (eds) Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Edition 3. SCA 2019. Lecture Notes in Intelligent Transportation and Infrastructure. Springer, Cham. Р. 53-62. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-37629-1_5.
Сергеева О.В., Богомягкова Е.С., Орех Е.А., Колесник Н.В.Аннотация
The authors review the gamification practices implemented in Russia to enhance civic and political participation. Gamification is the spread of game elements beyond traditional entertainment, and it causes both critical (I. Bogost) and optimistic estimates (J. McGonigal) among researchers. While scientists are discussing gamification effects, managers and political strategists use game apps. The Russian practice of intensifying citizen and political participation through gamification covers three key areas: (1) solving urban problems through the organization of public discussions, voting, environmental performances; (2) the interaction of political leaders and the electorate, (3) the introduction of information agenda. The systematization of gamification cases shows that game designers primarily use the balance of game features, such as interactivity and cooperation, for citizen and political involvement.
Ключевые слова:
геймификация гражданское участие россия gamification gameful design citizen participation russiaРубрики:
Социология коммуникацийСоциология пространства и города
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