Zakharova, V., Chernov, I., Nazarenko, T., Pavlov, P., Lyubchenko, V., & Kulikova, A. (2020). Social health and environmental behavior of students in the digital age. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 15(5), 1288-1294. https: ...

Zakharova, V., Chernov, I., Nazarenko, T., Pavlov, P., Lyubchenko, V., & Kulikova, A. (2020). Social health and environmental behavior of students in the digital age. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 15(5), 1288-1294.
ISSN 1305-905X
DOI: 10.18844/cjes.v15i5.5167

Размещена на сайте: 01.12.20

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 01.12.2020)

Ссылка при цитировании:

Zakharova, V., Chernov, I., Nazarenko, T., Pavlov, P., Lyubchenko, V., & Kulikova, A. (2020). Social health and environmental behavior of students in the digital age. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 15(5), 1288-1294. DOI: 10.18844/cjes.v15i5.5167.
Zakharova, V., Chernov, I., Nazarenko, T., Pavlov, P., Lyubchenko, V., & Kulikova, A. (2020). Social health and environmental behavior of students in the digital age. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 15(5), 1288-1294. DOI: 10.18844/cjes.v15i5.5167.


Захарова В.А., Чернов И.В., Назаренко Т.И., Павлов П.В., Любченко В.С., Куликова А.А.


This paper describes the importance of theoretical understanding of modern social health, educational and environmental behavior of students in the digital age. The purpose of this research is to analyze the concepts and trends of social health and environmental behavior of students in the context of modern social digitalization process. The paper deals with the framework and methodology of modern social and philosophical theories devoted to the problems of digital society and digital technologies. The theoretical and methodological approaches analyzed to the study of modern social digitalization processes, their negative and positive trend, and the impact of these trends on social health and environmental behavior of Students in education. In this paper, the process of digitalization is inconsistent: providing new technological opportunities for communication and education, including environmental education and students’ environmental projects that has a negative impact on consciousness and behavior of young people. The results showed that there is a need to form creative personality in education through the modern digital era. The further research stated in the field of social health and formation of students’ environmental behavior in the context of modern information, communication technologies and development of digital society in the education.

Ключевые слова:

digital age digital technologies students social health environmental behavior


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