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, , // XXII . - : - (, 1718 2020 .) / [ . . . . , . . ]; - . . : - . -, 2020. . 448-452.
ISBN 978-5-7996-2992-2

: 20.05.21

Google Academia


..,  .. , , // XXII . - : - (, 1718 2020 .) / [ . . . . , . . ]; - . . : - . -, 2020. . 448-452.
Khudyakova M.V., Andrianova E.V. Assessment of the role of the state, public institutions, parents in reducing the negative impact of the Internet on children. In: XXII URAL SOCIOLOGICAL READINGS. National projects and socio-economic development of the Ural region: materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference (Yekaterinburg, March 17-18, 2020) / [under total. ed. Yu. R. Vishnevsky, MV Pevnoy]; Ministry of Science and Higher education of the Russian Federation. - Yekaterinburg: Ural Publishing House. University, 2020. P. 448-452.

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- information technology internet risks the impact of the internet on children responsibility for the impact of the internet state control


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