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: - // : / . .. , .. ; . : , 2017. 268 . . 213-239. ( . 5).

: : / . .. , .. ; . : , 2017. 268 . ( . 5).
ISBN 978-5-89697-289-1

: 18.12.17

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 .. : - // : / . .. , .. ; . : , 2017. 268 . . 213-239. ( . 5).
Kuryukin A. N. The history of the development of the concept of the welfare state: political and legal aspect. In: The social state and policy: collection of scientific articles / Under the editorship of O. M. Mikhailenok, V. V. Lublinskiy; Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS. (Harmony in the society as a condition of development of Russia. Issue 5). M.: FCTAS RAS, 2017. P.213-239.

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the concept of the social state the social state of practice discourse


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