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. () // 3 - 2017. / [ ] / [. . .]; . . . . . . . ( 1,7 ). .: , 2017. . 100-110. 1 . . 12 (CD‑ROM).

: 3 - 2017. / [ ] / [. . .]; . . . . , . . . . . . ( 1,7 ). .: , 2017. 126 . 1 . . 12 (CD‑ROM).
ISBN 978-5-89697-296-9
DOI: 10.19181/inab.2017.3

: 19.12.17

Google Academia


 .. . () // 3 - 2017. / [ ] / [. . .]; . . . . . . . ( 1,7 ). .: , 2017. . 100-110. 1 . . 12 (CD‑ROM). DOI: 10.19181/inab.2017.3.
Ryzhova S.V. Integrating and disintegrating role of religious identity. Example of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). In: INAB 3 2017. Ethnicity and interethnic relations in a social context / [Electronic publication] / [L. M. Drobizheva, etc.]; Resp. editor L.M. Drobizheva. - Electron. text. (the volume is 1.7 MB). - Moscow: FCTAS RAS, 2017. - p 100-110. 1 electron. opt. 12 centimeters disc (CD-ROM). DOI: 10.19181/inab.2017.3.

() . (72%), () (50%) 11% . () , . , . 1/3 , , , , . 60% , , .


religious identity religion ethnoconfessional identity religious institutions solidarity consolidation


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