Mechanisms for Formation of Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones – 2019

Mechanisms for Formation of Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones – 2019. Conference schedule and materials the 6th International Research Conference «Mechanisms for Formation of Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones – 2019», Saint Petersburg, 02-05 октября 2019 г. Saint Petersburg: Sociological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. – 96 с.

Размещена на сайте: 04.12.19

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Ссылка при цитировании:

Mechanisms for Formation of Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones – 2019. Conference schedule and materials the 6th International Research Conference «Mechanisms for Formation of Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones – 2019», Saint Petersburg, 02-05 октября 2019 г. Saint Petersburg: Sociological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. – 96 с.


There are two aspects of the formation of cultural memory. The first one is memorial zone. The second is the zone of oblivion and experience excepted from ordinary cultural practice; it is more important as it involves more cultural phenomena. Like some inconvenient historical figure or uncomfortable historical event this cultural experience is excepted but not completely forgotten. It shapes cultural borderlines and defines processes of identification. Such zones of excepted but unforgotten cultural experience were named Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones (on the analogy with the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone). The main objectives of the Conference: To reveal the mechanisms for formation of cultural exclusion zones on the example of the totalitarian Soviet past. Though topographical representation of national culture is nowadays quite common in the field of the Humanities (the methods of exposing of geographical boarders of national cultures are drawn up, theories of “cultural boarders” are elaborated and imagology is actively developing), borderline is usually regarded as a characteristic of some territory possessing distinct outlines...

Ключевые слова:

individual experience cultural process trauma collective memory

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