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101. Inna F. Deviatko & Andrey Bykov (2022) Weighing the moral worth of altruistic actions: A discrepancy between moral evaluations and prescriptive judgments, Philosophical Psychology, 35:1, 95-121. DOI: 10.1080/09515089.2021.1950666. EDN: MIFTZM

102. Lilia Suchocka, Aziza Yarasheva, Elena Medvedeva, Olga Aleksandrova, Natalya Alikperova, Sergey Kroshilin. Modern media space and financial literacy of young people. Humanities and Social Sciences. Research Journal 29, No. 1 (2022), pp 61-71. DOI: 10.7862/rz.2022.hss.05.

103. Sheremet E., Deviatko I. F. Plausibility of scientific findings: institutional factors in lay evaluations // Journal of Science Communication. 2022. Vol. 21. No. 5. A01. DOI: 10.22323/2.21050201.


104. Григорьева К. С.
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105. Antonovskiy A.Y., Barash R.E. The Evolutionary Dimension of Scientific Progress, Social Epistemology, DOI: 10.1080/02691728.2021.2000662. Published online: 28 Nov 2021. DOI: 10.1080/02691728.2021.2000662.

106. Kanygin, G., Koretckaia, V. Analytical Coding: Performing Qualitative Data Analysis Based on Programming Principles. Qualitative Report, 2021, 26(2), 316-333. DOI: 10.46743/2160-3715/2021.4342.


107. Девятко И. Ф., Гаврилов К. А.
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108. Дудин М.Н., Шахов О. Ф., Иванченко Н.П., Шахова М.С.
Dudin, Mihail Nikolaevich; Shakhov, Oleg Federovich; Ivashchenko, Natalia Pavlovna Shakhova, Margarita Sergeevna. Development of entrepreneurial competencies in the economy (evidence from digital entrepreneurship). Revista Inclusiones Vol: 7 num Especial Enero-Marzo (2020): 54-68.

109. Yanitsky O.N., Basheva O.A. Problems and Prospects of Interdisciplinary Approach. Creative Education, 2020, Issue 11, pp. 1082-1089. DOI: 10.4236/ce.2020.117080.


110. Саганенко Г. И., Гегер А. Э., Боярский К.К., Дудина В.И., Степанова Е.
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111. Semenova V.V., Rozhdestvenskaya E.Yu. Florian Znaniecki heritage in the context of Russian discourse. Przegląd Socjologiczny, 2019, Vol. 68, Issue 4, pp. 149-169. DOI: 10.26485/PS/2019/68.4/7.

112. Yanitsky O.N. (2019). Some reflections before the Beginning of the Research Project on Modern Natural and Technological Challenges in Russia. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 6 (11)1-8. DOI: 10.14738/assrj.611.7326.


113. Земнухова Л. В.
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114. Ermolaeva P.O., Basheva O.A., Ermolaeva Y.V., Egorova L.G. Measuring sustainable cities in Russia: critical analysis of key methodologies. Amazonia Investiga, 2018, Vol.7, Issue 14, pp. 381-387.


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116. Anton Oleinik, Irina Popova, Svetlana Kirdina, Tatyana Shatalova. On the choice of measures of reliability and validity in the content-analysis of texts // Quality & Quantity, 2014, Volume 48, Issue 5 (2014), Page 2703-2718.


117. Anton Oleinik, Irina Popova, Svetlana Kirdina,Tatyana Shatalova. On the choice of measures of reliability and validity in the content-analysis of texts // Quality & Quantity. 2013. September. URL: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11135-013-9919-0

118. Kravchenko S.A. The Dynamics of the Sociological Imagination // Sociology Study, November 2013, Volume 3, Number 11. Pp. 825-834.

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