
 ..,  ..,  ..,  ..
: // . 2022. 8, 2. . 190-203.
ISSN 2412-6519
DOI: 10.18255/2412-6519-2022-2-190-203
: https://elibrary.ru/contents.asp?id=48650410

: 23.06.22

Google Academia


 ..,  ..,  ..,  .. : // . 2022. 8, 2. . 190-203. DOI: 10.18255/2412-6519-2022-2-190-203. EDN: BBIVDI.
Karepova S. G., Kostolomova M. V., Nekrasov S. V., Pinchuk A. N. Information security in the new social reality: key features and ways of preservation. Socialnye i gumanitarnye znanija. 2022. Vol. 8, No 2. P. 190-203. (in Russ.) DOI: 10.18255/2412-6519-2022-2-190-203.

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- social and scientific knowledge new social reality national security information security ways of preservation society manipulation consciousness security


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