Rostovskaya T.K., Vasilieva E.N., Knyazkova E.A. Trends in abortion-related behaviour of Russians in the context of demographic policy. Population and Economics. 2024. Vol. 8. No. 1. Pp. 15-36.

Rostovskaya T.K., Vasilieva E.N., Knyazkova E.A. Trends in abortion-related behaviour of Russians in the context of demographic policy. Population and Economics. 2024. Vol. 8. No. 1. Pp. 15-36.
ISSN 2658-3798
DOI: 10.3897/popecon.8.e106949

Размещена на сайте: 13.03.24

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Ссылка при цитировании:

Rostovskaya T.K., Vasilieva E.N., Knyazkova E.A. Trends in abortion-related behaviour of Russians in the context of demographic policy. Population and Economics. 2024. Vol. 8. No. 1. Pp. 15-36. DOI: 10.3897/popecon.8.e106949.
Rostovskaya T.K., Vasilieva E.N., Knyazkova E.A. (2024) Trends in abortion-related behaviour of Russians in the context of demographic policy. Population and Economics 8(1): 15-36. DOI: 10.3897/popecon.8.e106949.


Ростовская Т.К., Васильева Е.Н., Князькова Е.А.


The article discusses results of an expert survey conducted in February-May 2021 in ten constituent entities of the Russian Federation in order to analyze trends in abortion-related behaviour of Russians, as well as to develop recommendations for a comprehensive special program to prevent and reduce abortion rates in the Russian Federation. The conducted expert interviews (n=15) with representatives of socially oriented non-profit organizations (SO NPO) and specialists of health care facilities (gynecologists, psychologists) made it possible to structure the areas of activity in the field of pre-abortion counseling in the constituent entities under study and identify effective institutional resources. The regions under study significantly differed in both socio-cultural characteristics and technologies for organizing pre-abortion counseling. The article doesn’t distinguish between the concepts of “pre-abortion” and “prior to abortion” counseling using them synonymously. The study showed that some experts (with a personal position that abortions are unacceptable without medical indications) are reluctant to use the concepts of “pre-abortion” and “prior to abortion” counseling and prefer to use the concept of “anti-abortion” counselling instead, which, according to hermeneutics, fills this concept with a different meaning, highlighting the purpose of the technologies used. The following problems have been identified: difficulties in collecting statistical data in private health care facilities, insufficient number of qualified specialists, and lack of a unified methodology for conducting pre-abortion counselling. According to the data obtained, the abortion-related behaviour of Russians is being transformed under the influence of new medical technologies. Measures of state support for families with children hardly change the abortion-related behaviour of Russians.

Ключевые слова:

termination of pregnancy woman abortion demographic policy pre-abortion counseling Russia


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