R.Simonyan. The Events of 1939-1940 in the Baltic Countries: Public Perception

R.Simonyan. The Events of 1939-1940 in the Baltic Countries: Public Perception // Social Sciences., № 1, Minneapolis, 2010, p.34-51. (1,5 printed page)

Размещена на сайте: 26.05.11

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Ссылка при цитировании:

R.Simonyan. The Events of 1939-1940 in the Baltic Countries: Public Perception // Social Sciences., № 1, Minneapolis, 2010, p.34-51. (1,5 printed page)


Симонян Р.Х.


In the relations between Russia and the Baltic countries over the past 20 years has developed a set of myths. One of them - the myth of the occupation. The article examines the substantive and legal aspects of entering the Baltic states into the Soviet Union in 1940.

Ключевые слова:

сategorical-conceptual apparatus of science international law strict legal terms the misuse of legal definitions the fourth the hague convention of 1907 creation myths



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