Women’s Biographies and Women’s Memory

Рождественская Е.Ю., Никитина О., Семенова В.В.
Women’s Biographies and Women’s Memory // HITLER’S SLAVES (Chapter 23)Life Stories of Forced Labourers in Nazi-Occupied Europe Edited by Alexander von Plato, Almut Leh, and Christoph Thonfeld. Oxford-New York: Berghahn Books. P.296-309.
ISBN 978-1-84545-698-6

Размещена на сайте: 12.12.11

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Ссылка при цитировании:

Рождественская Е.Ю., Никитина О., Семенова В.В. Women’s Biographies and Women’s Memory // HITLER’S SLAVES (Chapter 23)Life Stories of Forced Labourers in Nazi-Occupied Europe Edited by Alexander von Plato, Almut Leh, and Christoph Thonfeld. Oxford-New York: Berghahn Books. P.296-309.

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