: : . : - - . .: -, 2017. - 488 . [16] c . ISBN 978-5-94380-232-4 ...

: : . : - - . .: -, 2017. - 488 . [16] c . ISBN 978-5-94380-232-4 // . 2018. 4. . 39-42
ISSN 1994-3776
: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35419813

: 08.10.18

Google Academia


 .. : : . : - - . .: -, 2017. - 488 . [16] c . ISBN 978-5-94380-232-4 // . 2018. 4. . 39-42
Viner B.E. Adventures in search of nationality: Book review: Baiburin A. Soviet national identity document: history - structure - practices. St. Petersburg: European Unitversity at St. Petersburg's Publishing House, 2017. - 488 p. Teleskop, 2018, Issue 4, pp. 39-42.

: : - -. .: -, 2017. - 488 . [16] c . ISBN 978-5-94380-232-4


soviet national identitity document constraction of national categories social identities


 .. ..
: : . : - - . .: -, 2017. - 488 . [16] c . ISBN 978-5-94380-232-4 // . 2018. 4. . 39-42
ISSN 1994-3776
: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35419813

: 08.10.18

Google Academia


 .. .. : : . : - - . .: -, 2017. - 488 . [16] c . ISBN 978-5-94380-232-4 // . 2018. 4. . 39-42
Viner B.E. Adventures in search of nationality: Book review: Baiburin A. Soviet national identity document: history - structure - practices. St. Petersburg: European Unitversity at St. Petersburg's Publishing House, 2017. - 488 p. Teleskop, 2018, Issue 4, pp. 39-42.

: : - -. .: -, 2017. - 488 . [16] c . ISBN 978-5-94380-232-4


soviet national identitity document constraction of national categories social identities


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