Ostrovskaya Yu.E. Covid-19 and Labour Law: Russian Federation

Ostrovskaya Yu.E. Covid-19 and Labour Law: Russian Federation // Legal responses to COVID-19 around the world / Editado por Cláudio Jannotti da Rocha, Flávia Fragale Martins Pepino e Rafael Lara Martins. – Porto Alegre : OABESA Goiás/LexMagister. 2020. P. 39-40.
ISBN 978-65-88059-08-1

Размещена на сайте: 18.12.20

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Ссылка при цитировании:

Ostrovskaya Yu.E. Covid-19 and Labour Law: Russian Federation // Legal responses to COVID-19 around the world / Editado por Cláudio Jannotti da Rocha, Flávia Fragale Martins Pepino e Rafael Lara Martins. – Porto Alegre : OABESA Goiás/LexMagister. 2020. P. 39-40.
Ostrovskaya Yu.E. Covid-19 and Labour Law: Russian Federation // Legal responses to COVID-19 around the world / Editado por Cláudio Jannotti da Rocha, Flávia Fragale Martins Pepino e Rafael Lara Martins. – Porto Alegre : OABESA Goiás/LexMagister. 2020. P. 39-40.


Островская Ю.Е.


The most important new measure is paid non-working days. Neither nationwide state of emergency nor quarantine was declared in Russia. The period is consideredworking for certain employee categories and non-working for others all at once. Working and non-working employees must receive their standard rate for the non-workingdays.

Ключевые слова:

covid-19 labour law the paid non-working days



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