( 200- ): ( ) ...

( 200- ): ( ) / . . . . ; - , . .: , 2020. 236 .
ISBN 978-5-907384-08-8

: 05.01.20

Google Academia


( 200- ): ( ) / . . . . ; - , . .: , 2020. 236 .
Mongolian Civilization in the Focus of Russian Oriental Studies (based on the materials of the International Scientific Conference in the framework of the Congress of the 200th Anniversary of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences): (Collective monograph) / Ed. by A. S. Zheleznyakov; Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, FCTAS RAS. M. IV RAS, 2020. - 236 p.


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, 2728 2018 . 200- . , .


russia mongolia inner asia civilization nomadic empire country image perception everyday life mongolian studies research centers



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