
: // - (). : ( ). 2021. 2. . 47-59. URL: https://www.fnisc.ru/publ.html?id=9929

: - (). : ( ). 2021. 2. 109 . URL: https://www.fnisc.ru/publ.html?id=9922
ISSN 2686-8245; ISBN 978-5-89697-353-9
DOI: 10.19181/INAB.2021.2.4

: 15.11.21

Google Academia


 .. : // - (). : ( ). 2021. 2. . 47-59. URL: https://www.fnisc.ru/publ.html?id=9929 DOI: 10.19181/INAB.2021.2.4.
Tikhonova N.E. Changes in the values ​​and attitudes of Russians: a zone of stability and new dominants // Information and Analytical Bulletin (INAB). Russian society in the context of the pandemic: a year later (the experience of sociological diagnostics). 2021. No. 2. P. 47-59. URL: https://www.fnisc.ru/publ.html?id=9929 DOI: 10.19181/INAB.2021.2.4.

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- values norms normative value systems life goals of russians


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