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201. Рахмонов А. Х.
Disabling SWIFT in Russian banks and its impact on remittances of migrant workers in Tajikistan // Проблемы обеспечения безопасности (Безопасность-2022) : материалы IV Международной научно-практической конференции, посвященной 90-летию УГАТУ [Электронный ресурс] / Уфимск. гос. авиац. техн. ун-т. – Уфа : УГАТУ, 2022. С. 420-422. – URL: https://www.ugatu.su/media/uploads/MainSite/ Ob%20universitete/Izdateli/El_izd/2022-106.pdf

202. Galkin K. The Role of E-health Communities for Older People: A Digital Ethnography. In: Jantunen, J.H., Kalja-Voima, J., Laukkarinen, M., Puupponen, A., Salonen, M., Saresma, T., Tarvainen, J. & Ylönen, S. (Eds.) (2022). Diversity of Methods and Materials in Digital Human Sciences : Proceedings of the Digital Research Data and Human Sciences DRDHum Conference 2022, December 1-3, Jyväskylä, Finland. University of Jyväskylä. P. 72-82. http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-39-9450-1

203. Galkin, K., Parfenova, O. (2022). The network society in the ‘new normal times’: Crisis digitalization and adaption of cultural organizations in the COVID-19. Current Sociology: 1–19.

204. Дмитриева В. Д.
II Ватиканский собор в истории католицизма: становление современной политической доктрины церкви // Вестник Русской христианской гуманитарной академии. 2022. Т. 23. № 3-1. С. 111-121.

205. Inna F. Deviatko & Andrey Bykov (2022) Weighing the moral worth of altruistic actions: A discrepancy between moral evaluations and prescriptive judgments, Philosophical Psychology, 35:1, 95-121.

206. IV Всероссийский демографический форум с международным участием : сборник тезисов (Москва, 2–3 декабря 2022 г.) / Отв. ред. Т. К. Ростовская ; ФНИСЦ РАН. М. : ФНИСЦ РАН, 2022. 99 с. URL: https://www.fnisc.ru/publ.html?id=11378

207. Manshin, R.V., Moiseeva, E.M. (2022). The Role of Migration in the Contemporary Demographic Development of Russia. In: Popkova, E.G., Sergi, B.S. (eds) Geo-Economy of the Future. Springer, Cham. P. 607-618.

208. Mareeva S.V., Slobodenyuk E.D., Anikin V.A. Support for reducing inequality in the new Russia: Does social mobility matter? Intersections (Hungary). 2022. Vol. 8. No. 2. P. 175-196.

209. Milushkina O.Y., Popov V.I., Skoblina N.A., Bokareva N.A., Astashkevich E.V., Zakharova A.A., et al. The influence of migration factor on the establishment of menstrual function in girls. Bulletin of Russian State Medical University. 2022; (2): 79–83.

210. Rostovskaya T.K, Shabunova A.A, Knyazkova E.A, Afzali M. The abortion and contraceptive behavior: results of the all-Russian Research. Probl Sotsialnoi Gig Zdravookhranenniiai Istor Med. 2022 May;30(3):415-422.

211. Ryazantsev S.V., Moiseeva E.M. Migration in the Context of the Demographic Development of the Russian Far East. Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2022. Vol. 92. No. 1. Pp. 65-75.

212. Skoblina N.A., Popov V.I., Larentis O., Licata M., Skoblina E.V. Economics and Human Biology. Active acceleration in pediatric growth and development: explanation provided by economic theory. Medicina Historica. 2022, 6 (Special issue 1).

213. Tikhonova N., Slobodenyuk E. Poverty of Russian Professionals: Scale, Causes, Trends. Social Sciences. 2022. Vol. 53. No 2. P. 22-41.

214. Turakayev M.S. (2022) Job change in the conditions of precarious work (on the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan permanent residents). Population and Economics 6(3): 15-34. https://doi.org/10.3897/popecon.6.e78162

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