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11701. People's dreams in China and in Russia (Мечты людей в Китае и в России) / Eds: Li Peilin and M.K. Gorshkov. Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2015

11702. Peshkova V.M., Markowitz Lawrence P. Anti-immigrant mobilization in Russia's regions: local movements and framing processes // Post-Soviet Affairs. March, 2015, p. 1-29.

11703. Polina Kozyreva, Klara Sabirianova Peter. Economic change in Russia: Twenty years of the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey // Economics of Transition. 2015. Vol. 23. No. 2. P. 293-298.

11704. Popova I. Scientists' careers: factors of development and turning points in the context of reforms in Russia // Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination: View from Russia/ Editor-in-Chief V. Mansurov, Moscow, 2015. P. 235-245. СD ROM.

11705. Pronina E.I., Grishaeva N.P., Borrego D.M. Modern trends of formation of upperclassmen’s civic consciousness and patriotism // Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination: View from Russia / Editor-in-Chief V.Mansurov, Moscow, 2015. P. 110-128. 1 СD ROM.

11706. Rozhdestvenskaya E.Yu. Restoring the Meaning: ‘Biographic Work’ in Ostarbeiters’ Life Stories. In: Reclaiming the Personal: Oral History in Post-Socialist Scholarship. Grinchenko, Gelinada, and Natalia Khanenko-Friesen (eds.), Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2015. Ch. 4. P. 79-102.

11707. Rozhdestvenskaya E.Yu. Review E. S. Seniavskaia, Istoriia voin Rossii XX veka v chelovecheskom izmerenii: problemy voenno-istoricheskoi antropologii i psikhologii. Kurs lektsii. Journal Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society, 2015, No. 2, pp. 467-473.

11708. Semenova A.V. Current Trends in the Modernization of the System of Pre-School Education of the Russian Federation // Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination: View from Russia/ Editor-in-Chief V. Mansurov. - Moscow, 2015. P. 258-271. СD ROM.

11709. Semenova A.V. The Experience of Using the Empirical Intersection for Content-Analytical Case Studies // Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination: View from Russia / Editor-in-Chief V. Mansurov. - Moscow, 2015. P. 27-36. СD ROM.

11710. Устинкин С. В., Вагапов Р., Семенов Д.В.
Sergey Ustinkin, Renat Vagapov, Dmitry Semenov. The caharacteristics of the modern processes of the politicization of Islamic organizations in Russia // Australian and New Zealand Journal of Fundamental and Applied Studies / Sydney University Press. 2015. January-June, №1(15). P. 479-484.

11711. Sergey Ustinkin, Renat Vagapov, Dmitry Semenov. The conceptual and legal principles of the activities of the religious Islamic organizations in the Russian federation // Australian and New Zealand Journal of Fundamental and Applied Studies / Sydney University Press. 2015. January-June, №1(15). P. 464-470

11712. Shilova Valentina. Research оf Territorial Aspects of Communication Inequality In Rassia // Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination: View from Russia / Editor-in-Chief V. Mansurov, Moscow, 2015. P. 427-442. CD ROM.

11713. Shlykova E.V. Youth in a risk situation: adaptation methods and resources // Network Scientific Journal Research Result. Series: Sociology and Management. 2015. Vol. 1. N 4(6). P. 85-94. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2015-1-4-85-94.

11714. Tikhonova N. (2015) Socio-сultural Modernization in Russia: Norms and Values System Shift. In: Culture Matters in Russia - and Everywhere / L.Harrison, E.Yasin (Eds.). Publisher: Lexington Books. 546 p.

11715. Tikhonova N. Middle class in contemporary Russia / Middle class as a precondition of a sustainable society: fifteen years later / ed. By M. Keliyan. Sofia. Avangard Prima. 2015, pp. 121-134.

11716. Trofimova I.N. Indexes and objectives of the socio-economic development of the russian regions // Sententia. European journal of humanities and social siences. 2015. No 2. P. 157-164.

11717. Usacheva O. Information aspects of critical conditions // Papers of Russian Sociologists for the 12th ESA Conference Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination in Praque, the Czech Republic, August 25-28, 2015. Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2015.

11718. V. Kolomijec, Рец.: M. Degl’Innocenti, Il mito di Stalin. Comunisti e socialisti nell’Italia del dopoguerra. Manduria; Bari; Roma: Piero Lacaita Editore, 2005. 190 p. // A nemzetkőzi munkásmozgalom történetéből. Évkönyv 2016. XXXXII. Évfolyam, 2015. 251-256. old.

11719. Vanke A., Polukhina E. Social Practices of Using War Memorials in Russia: A Comparison between Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd and Poklonnaya Gora in Moscow // The Russian Sociological Review, 2015. vol. 14, No. 4. P. 115–128.

11720. Ваньке А. В.
Vanke, Alexandrina. Body, Memory and Emotions of Male Members of the Army with Direct Experience of War. In: Collective Memories in War, ed. by Elena Rozhdestvenskaya, V. Semenova, I. Tartakovskaya, K. Kosela. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2016. P. 176-187.

11721. Vladimir Mukomel'. Xenophobia as a Basis of Solidarity // Russian Social Science Review. Volume 56, Issue 4, July 2015, pages 37-51.

11722. Voronov V., Lavrinenko O. The Role of Knowledge Management in the Growth of Competitiveness of Bussiness in the Region of Latvia // Journal of Economic Sociology, 2015, vol.3, No 1. P. 83-94

11723. Yanitsky O. Human Ecosystems in Critical Areas // Journal of Social Science Research, 2015, Vol. 9, No 3, December 17, pp. 1929-1935.

11724. Яницкий О. Н.
Yanitsky Oleg. Modern Wars: Are the Sociologists Well Prepared to Them? // Papers of Russian Sociologists for the 12th ESA Conference «Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination» in Praque, the Czech Republic, August 25-28, 2015. Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2015.

11725. Yantsky Oleg. Notes on Sociology of Globalization // Journal of Social Science Research, 2015, Vol 8, No 1, p. 1478-1484.


11726. 青年与社会变迁:中国与俄罗斯的比较研究 (The youth and social change: a comparative study between China and Russia) / Ed. by C. Li, P.M. Kozyreva. Social Sciences Academic Press, China, 2014.

11727. Anton Oleinik, Irina Popova, Svetlana Kirdina, Tatyana Shatalova. On the choice of measures of reliability and validity in the content-analysis of texts // Quality & Quantity, 2014, Volume 48, Issue 5 (2014), Page 2703-2718.

11728. Chepurenko A. Informal entrepreneurship under transition: Causes and specific features // Soziologie des Wirtschaftlichen. Boegenhold D. (ed.). Springer, 2014, p. 361-382.

11729. Cherednichenko G.A. (2014) The Accumulation of Educational Capital Among Young Blue-Collar Workers in Russia, Russian Education & Society, 56:8, 37-61. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.2753/RES1060-9393560803 DOI: 10.2753/RES1060-9393560803.

11730. Бараш Р. Э.
Cоциальная реальность прикладной социологии: открытие или изобретение? // Социальная философия науки. Российская перспектива. Т. 4. СТС-Эпистемологическая специфика обществознания. Материалы международной конференции Москва, 18–19 ноября 2014 г. М. Альфа-М. 2014. С. 10-14.

11731. Валиахметов Р. М., Лавренюк Н. М.
Cоциально-модернизационный потенциал управления человеческим развитием Башкортостана // Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Социология. Политология. 2014. Т.14. Вып. 1. С. 42-45.

11732. Danilova E. Neoliberal Hegemony and Narratives of “Losers” and “Winners” in Post-Socialist Transformations // Journal of Narrative Theory. 2014. P. 442–466.

11733. Gofman Alexander. Chapter 3. Durkheim’s Theory of Social Solidarity and Social Rules // The Palgrave Handbook of Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity: Formulating a Field of Study. Ed. by Vincent Jeffries. New York. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. 2014. P.45-70. 452 p.

11734. Ivanova. E.Yu. Private tutors and governesses - foreigners in Russia: professional and legal status // Facing an Unequal World: Challenges for Russian Sociology/ Editor-in-Chief V. Mansurov, Moscow, 2014. – 474 p.

11735. Kryshtanovskaya Olga. The Legacy of Tandemocracy: Russia’s Political Elite during Putin’s third Presidency // Baltic Worlds, Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES), BW Vol VII:2-3 2014, p 14-21.

11736. Lawrence P. Markowitz. Vera Peshkova. Local Social Movements and Anti-Immigrant Frames in Russia // An NCEEER Working Paper. http://www.ucis.pitt.edu/nceeer/2014_828-09g_Markowitz.pdf

11737. Mareeva S.V. Russian's Views of a Just Society // Sociological research, Vol. 53, Issue 5, 2014. Pp. 32-48.

11738. Miryasova O. Russia’s workers in the mining and metallurgical sector: perceptions and activities on the eve of a new political cycle // Журнал исследований социальной политики. 2014. Т. 2. №12. С. 261-274.

11739. Mukhanova M. Rural Youth in Russia: Their Status and Prospects for Development // Eastern European Countryside, 2014, №20.

11740. Oleg N. Yanitsky. Sociology of Critical Areas // Open Journal of Social Science Research, 2014, 2(3), p. 112-118.

11741. Olesya Yurchenko, Valery Mansurov. Profeesionalisation in Early Childhood Education in Russia // Professions & Professionalism, Vol. 4, №3 (2014), pp. 660-674.

11742. Кирсанов А. С.
Open Journal Systems: платформа для создания сайта научного журнала // Природа и общество в эпоху перемен. Серия «Социоестественная история. Генезис кризисов природы и общества в России». Отв. ред. Кульпин-Губайдуллин Э.С. (соредактор Борисова Е.А.). Вып. XXXVIII. М.: ИД-Энергия, 2014. С. 300-309.

11743. Popova I.P., Kirdina S.G. Prospects of sociological and institutional analysis of professional associations in Russia // Facing an Unequal World: Challenges for Russian Sociology/ Editor-in-Chief V. Mansurov, Moscow, 2014. P. 35-47.

11744. Попова И. П.
Professional Choice: The Influence of the Cultural Resources of the Families of Russian Specialists // Russian Education and Society. 2014. Vol. 56. No. 10. P. 3-23.

11745. Racko E., Voronovs V. Latvijas regionu konkuretspejas novertejums. Daugavpils:Daugavpils Universitātes Akadēmiskais apgāds Saule, 2014. 166 lpp.

11746. Rudnev M. Value Adaptation among Intra-European Migrants: Role of Country of Birth and Country of Residence // Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 2014. Vol. 45. No. 10. P. 1626 -1642.

11747. Temirbekova Z., Latova. N, Latov Y., Temirbekov Zh. Work Related Values: A Comparison of Four Post-Soviet Countries // Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2014. Vol. 109. P. 794 – 798.

11748. Usacheva O. Civilian Mobilization Networks // Sociological Research, Vol. 53, No. 2 (2014), p. 3-17.

11749. Vladimir Mukomel'. Xenophobia as a Basis of Solidarity // Sociological Research. Volume 53, Issue 6, November 2014, pages 33-47.

11750. Voronovs V., Krasko V. Patērētāju noskaņojuma faktoru analīze ekonomiskajā socioloģijā. Mācību līdzeklis. Otrais, papildinātais un labotais izdevums. Daugavpils: Daugavpils Universitātes Akadēmiskais apgāds „Saule”, 2014. 90 lpp.

11751. Ильин М.В., Панов П.В., Соловьев А.И., Попова О.В., Малинова О.Ю.
[Рецензия] на кн.: Гражданское и политическое в российских общественных практиках / Под ред. С.В. Патрушева. М.: РОССПЭН, 2013. — 525 с. — (Политология России) // Вестник РГНФ. 2014. №4. С. 196-201.


11752. Попова И. П.
...Это нечто, не существующее в природе: барьеры и уроки профессионализации школьной театральной педагогики на пути снизу вверх // Профессии социального государства / под ред. П.В. Романова и Е.Р. Ярской-Смирновой (Библиотека Журнала исследований социальной политики). М.: ООО Вариант, ЦСПГИ, 2013. С. 197-222

11753. Попова И. П.
Alexandra А. Moskovskaya, Оleg А. Oberemko, Victoria L. Silaeva, Irina P. Popova, Inna B. Nazarova, Olga A. Peshkova, Marina V. Chernysheva. Development of professional associations in Russia: a research into institutional framework, self-regulation activity, and barriers to professionalization // National research university Higher shcool of economics WORKING PAPERS SERIES: SOCIOLOGY WP BRP 26/SOC/2013, 51 pp.

11754. Боррего Д. М.
An employed nanny as an agent of socialization of preschool children (the results of a survey of students of pedagogical university) // Russian sociology in the period of crisis, critique and changes / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2013. 531 pp. 1 CD ROM, Moscow-Torino. Pp. 133-139.

11755. Аникин В. А.
Anikin V.A. Mode of Socio-Economic Development and Occupational Structure: The Case of Contemporary Russia // Transition Studies Review. 2013. Vol. 19. No. 4. P. 397-415.

11756. Anikin V.A. Motivation to work in Russia: the case of protracted transition from non-competitive to competitive system // The Journal of Comparative Economic Studies. 2013. Vol. 8. P. 35-60.

11757. Anton Oleinik, Irina Popova, Svetlana Kirdina,Tatyana Shatalova. On the choice of measures of reliability and validity in the content-analysis of texts // Quality & Quantity. 2013. September. URL: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11135-013-9919-0

11758. Бабич Н. С.
Babich, Nikolay S. Classification of Russian elite`s positions in the federal Russian media information space // Russian sociology in the period of crisis, critique and changes / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2013. P. 36-52. 1 CD ROM, Moscow-Torino

11759. Cherednichenko G. The Professional Trajectories and Accumulation of Educational Resources of Young People After Acquiring a Secondary Education // Russian Education and Society. 2013. Vol. 55. Issue 1. P. 3-36. URL: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/mres20/55/1?nav=tocList

11760. Бабич Н. С.
Classification of Russian elite

11761. Коломиец В. К.
Földrengésveszélyes Olaszország: a balközép ellentámadása // A nemzetközi munkásmozgalom történetéből. Évkönyv 2013. XXXIX. évfolyam

11762. Gofman Alexander. The Russian Career of Durkheim's Sociology of Religion and Les Formes Élémentaires: Contribution to a Study. - Durkheimian Studies, Volume 19, Number 1, Winter 2013, pp. 101-124(24)

11763. Handbook on Social Stratification in the BRIC Countries. Change and Perspective / Еdited by: Peilin Li (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China), M.K. Gorshkov (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia), Celi Scalon (Brazilian Sociological Society, Brazil), K.L. Sharma (Jaipur National University, India) // World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. 2013.

11764. Kravchenko S.A. The Dynamics of the Sociological Imagination // Sociology Study, November 2013, Volume 3, Number 11. Pp. 825-834.

11765. Kryshtanovskaya O., White S. Inside the Putin Court // Politics in Russia: A Reader, Joel M. Ostrow, ed., Thousand Oaks, CA : CQ Press, an imprint of SAGE Publications, xvi, 488 p.: ill.; 23 cm, pp. 242-252.

11766. Mukhanova M.N. The Transformation of the Socioprofessional Structure Countryside (1994-2009) // Sociological Research, Volume 52, Number 5 / September-October 2013 Pages: 3-17.

11767. Mukomel Vladimir. Labour Mobility of Migrants from CIS Countries in Russia // Central and Eastern European Migration Review. Vol. 2, No. 2, December 2013, pp. 21–38.

11768. Антонов Ю. Е., Горбунова-Баженова М.В.
Peculiarities of attitudes to work of pre-school educators in science cities to the prospects of their profession // Russian sociology in the period of crisis, critique and changes / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2013. 531 pp. 1 CD ROM

11769. Polish and Russian Youth: Education and Work in Changing Society / edited by Krystyna Szafraniec and David Konstantinovskiy. Moscow: Institute of Sociology Russian Academy of Sciences, 2013, p. 164, 1 CD ROM.

11770. Попова И. П.
Popova I. Russian scientists: transforming status in 2000th // Russian sociology in the period of crisis, critique and changes / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2013. 531 pp. 1 CD ROM, Moscow-Torino

11771. Иванова Е. Ю.
Pre-school education: integration and inclusion, problems and prospects // Russian sociology in the period of crisis, critique and changes / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2013. P. 212-217. 1 CD ROM, Moscow-Torino

11772. Попова Е. С.
School students and their motivation in education: moving from theory to research design and operationalization // Polish and Russian Youth: Education and Work in Changing Society / edited by Krystyna Szafraniec and David Konstantinovskiy, p. 164.

11773. Козырева П. М., Смирнов А. И.
Security of the Individual and the Problem of Crime Control // Social Sciences, Volume 44, N 3, 2013, pp. 99-110.

11774. Voronov V., Lavrinenko O., Ozols A. Analysis and Evaluation Imbalances in the Development of EU Regions (1995 - 2011) // Journal of Economic Sociology. Daugavpils University, 2013, vol.1 (1), 99-115 p.

11775. Воронов В. В.
Voronov V.V. Preface // Journal of Economic Sociology. Daugavpils University, 2013, vol.1 (1). P.5-7. URL: http://www.du.lv/en/about_university/faculties/szf/institute/publications/JES


11776. Фреик Н.В.
Понятие «харизма» в социологии политики Макса Вебера // Новое и старое в теоретической социологии (Книга 2) / Под ред. Ю.Н. Давыдова. - М.: Изд-во Института социологии РАН, 2001. - Кн. 2. С. 67-81.

11777. Чередниченко Г. А.
Chapter “MAIN RESULTS SUMMARY” of the book of Cherednichenko G. EDUCATIONAL TRAJECTORIES AND PROFESSIONAL CAREERS (On materials of sociological researches of youth) // Образовательные траектории и профессиональные карьеры (на материалах социологических исследований молодежи) [Электронный ресурс]. М.: ИС РАН, 2012.- 332 стр., 1CD ROM.

11778. Cherednichenko G. The Educational and Professional Trajectories of Working Young People // Russian Education and Society. 2012. Vol. 54. Issue 11. Pages: 34-52. URL: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/mres20/54/11?nav=tocList

11779. Климова С. Г., Михеенкова М.А.
Formal Methods of Situational Analysis: Experience from Their Use // Automatic Documentation and Mathematical Linguistics, 2012, Vol. 46, No. 5, pp. 183–194.

11780. Попова И. П., Темницкий А. Л.
I.P. Popova, A.L. Temnitskii. On the Problem of Structural Changes in Intellectual and Professional Potential [of the Russian Population] // Russian Education and Society. 2012. №5.

11781. Kryshtanovskaia O., Voronkova O., Sidorova A. The Russian Establishment Paths and Means of Renewal // Russian Politics and Law. Published/Hosted by M. E. Sharpe Inc., Vol. 50, No. 1, January-February 2012. Pp. 84-100.

11782. Kryshtanovskaya O. Formaty rossiiskoi Vlasti // Russian Politics and Law. Published/Hosted by M. E. Sharpe Inc., Vol. 50, No. 3/ May-June 2012. Pp. 7-17.

11783. Magun V., Rudnev M. Basic Values of Russians and Other Europeans // Problems of Economic Transition. 2012. Vol. 54. No. 10. P. 31-64.

11784. Nizamova A.E. Characteristics of Specialists' Adaptation to The Conditions of A Society in Transformation // Russian Education and Society, M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 2012, №6, p. 54-79.

11785. Pronina, Elena I. Characteristics of the Teaching of Citizenship and Patriotism to Upper-Grade School Students // Russian Education and Society. 2012. №5. P.77-90.

11786. Аникин В. А.
The Modernization Potential of the Professional Structure of the Employed Population of Russia // Sociological research. November-December 2012. Vol. 51. No. 6.

11787. Козырева П. М.
The social adaptation of the Russian Population in Post-Soviet Period // Sociological Research. 2012. Vol. 51. No. 5. September-October, pp. 74-96.

11788. Tichonova N. The Lower Class in the Social Structure of Russian Society // Sociological Research, Volume 51, Number 5 / September-October M.E.Sharpe, Inc., Armonk, NY, р. 26-44.

11789. Tikhonova N.E. The Dynamics of the Normative-Value System of Russian Society (1995-2010) // Sociological Research, Volume 51, Number 4 / July-August, p. 44-66.

11790. Мукомель В. И.
Vladimir Mukomel. Labour Migration And The Host Country: Russian case // CARIM-East RR 2012/31, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, San Domenico di Fiesole (FI): European University Institute, 2012.

11791. Voronovs V., Krasko V. Patērētāju uzvedība: sociālekonomisko faktoru reģionālā pētījuma pieredze // Daugavpils: Daugavpils Universitātes Akadēmiskais apgāds „Saule”, 2012. - 204 p

11792. White S., Kryshtanovskaya O. Changing the Russian Electoral System: Inside the Black Box // Europe-Asia Studies. Special Issue: Russia's Authoritarian Elections. 11/040557-22 Є 2011 University of Glasgow. DOI: 10.1080/09668136.2011.566424, Vol. 63, No. 4, June 2012, 557–578.


11793. Коломиец В. К.
V. Kolomijec. Michels, Robert (1876–1936) [Text] // A nemzetközi munkásmozgalom történetéből. Évkönyv 2012 / Magyar Lajos Alapitvány. – 2011. – XXXVIII. évfolyam. – 312-314. old.

11794. Бессокирная Г. П.
Bessokirnaia G.P. The Dynamics of Workers Values and Labor Motives ( 2003-2007) // Sociological Research. vol.50. no.6. November-December 2011. pp.17-31.

11795. Cherednichenko G. The Educational and Professional Trajectories of Secondary School Graduates // Russian Education Society. 2011. Vol. 53. Issue 8. Pages: 19-35. URL: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/mres20/53/8?nav=tocList

11796. Cherednichenko G. The Employment and Professional Educational Trajectories of Young People // Russian Education and Society. 2011. Vol. 53. Issue 12. Pages: 36-66. URL: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/mres20/53/12?nav=tocList

11797. Константиновский Д. Л.
Contemporary Themes in the Sociology of Education // Manuscript for International Journal of Contemporary Sociology vol. 48, (1), 117-147, 2011

11798. Dementieva, Izabella F. Prevention of domestic violence against children // Russian Sociology in Turbulent Times / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2011, pp. 786-787. 1 CD ROM

11799. Dutchak, Irina V., Ivannikova, Olesya, Y. The Russian youth on the way to marriage and parenting // Russian Sociology in Turbulent Times / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2011, pp. 619-621. 1 CD ROM

11800. Shlapentokh V., Woods J.
Feudal America. Elements of the Middle Ages in contemporary society. University Park, PA: Penn State Press, 2011. 184 pages

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