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401. Седова Н. Н.
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402. Victoria Galyapina, Zarina Lepshokova, Irina Molodikova. Intercultural relations in Dagestan: the role of perceived security, intercultural contacts, and mutual acculturation. Central Asia and the Caucasus. 2021. Vol. 22. No. 1. Pp. 83-102. DOI: 10.37178/ca-c.21.1.07.

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429. Kolonitski, Boris; Matskevitch, Maria. Passado imprevisível em um tempo imprevisível: O centenário da Revolução de 1917 na Rússia contemporânea. RUS (São Paulo), São Paulo, v. 8, n. 10, p. 81 - 99, dec. 2017. (на португальском языке) DOI: 10.11606/issn.2317-4765.rus.2017.140519.

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443. Magun V., Rudnev M. Basic Human Values of the Russians: Both Different from and Similar to Other Europeans // Culture Matters in Russia and Everywhere: Backdrop for the Russia-Ukraine Conflict / Ed. by L. Harrison, E. G. Yasin. Lexington Books, 2015, p. 431-450


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447. Tikhonova N.E. The Dynamics of the Normative-Value System of Russian Society (1995-2010) // Sociological Research, Volume 51, Number 4 / July-August, p. 44-66.

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