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701. O.V. Erokhina, D.D. Osinina and A.V. Brega, “Expansion of Radical Political Ideas in Digital Society,” 2019 Systems of Signals Generating and Processing in the Field of on Board Communications, Moscow, Russia, 2019, pp. 1-5. DOI: 10.1109/SOSG.2019.8706724.

702. Oleg N. Yanitsky. Cyberspace of the Fourth Scientific and Technological Revolution. International Journal of Social Research, 2019; 3:24. DOI: 10.28933/ijsr-2019-01-2805.

703. Oleg N. Yanitsky. Russian Mega-Cities: Some Current Structural-Functional Trends. International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology (IJRSA), vol 5, no. 4, 2019, pp. 33-40. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.20431/2454-8677.0504004. DOI: 10.20431/2454-8677.0504004.

704. Яницкий О. Н.
On Marginal Man Concept 100 Years Ago and Today [Электронный ресурс] // Официальный портал ФНИСЦ РАН. – 2019. – 8 стр. URL: http://www.isras.ru/publ.html?id=7095

705. Дробижева Л. М.
On the Potential of Interethnic accordof the Russian Society (2014-2018) // Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging.View from Russia:[Electronic resource]: collected papers European Sociological Association 14th Conference “Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging”(Manchester, GB, Augest 20-24, 2019)/ Editor-in-Chief V. Mansurov. Moscow: RSS; FCTAS RAS. 2019. P. 247-255. 1 CD ROM; 12 sm – system requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/10 – Title from disk label.

706. Яницкий О. Н.
On the relationships between the geopolitics and social ecology in the digital age [Электронный ресурс] // Официальный портал ФНИСЦ РАН. – 2019. – 12 стр. URL: http://www.isras.ru/publ.html?id=7026

707. Popov, D., Strelnikova, A. Inconsistency between educational attainment and literacy: The case of Russia. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 2019, Vol. 52, Issue 3, pp. 259-269. DOI: 10.1016/j.postcomstud.2019.08.001.

708. Ермолаева Ю. В.
Problems of Professional Dynasty in the Conditions of Modernization Changes in the Post-Soviet Space (Based on Materials of Biographical Interviews) // Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging.View from Russia:[Electronic resource]: collected papers European Sociological Association 14th Conference “Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging”(Manchester, GB, Augest 20-24, 2019)/ Editor-in-Chief V. Mansurov. Moscow: RSS; FCTAS RAS. 2019. P. 144-158. 1 CD ROM; 12 sm – system requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/10 – Title from disk label.

709. Иванова Е. Ю., Шатрова Е. А.
Professional Associations of Engineers in the Process of Modernization of the Russian Society: Functions and Tasks // Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging.View from Russia:[Electronic resource]: collected papers European Sociological Association 14th Conference “Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging”(Manchester, GB, Augest 20-24, 2019)/ Editor-in-Chief V. Mansurov. Moscow: RSS; FCTAS RAS. 2019. P. 167-175. 1 CD ROM; 12 sm – system requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/10 – Title from disk label.

710. Попова И. П.
Professional continuity in career strategies of Russian Scientists // Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging.View from Russia:[Electronic resource]: collected papers European Sociological Association 14th Conference “Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging”(Manchester, GB, Augest 20-24, 2019)/ Editor-in-Chief V. Mansurov. Moscow: RSS; FCTAS RAS. 2019. P. 182-191. 1 CD ROM; 12 sm – system requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/10 – Title from disk label.

711. Мансуров В. А., Семенова А. В., Иванова Е. Ю., Юрченко О. В.
Professional Dynasties as a Social Mechanism for the Reproduction of Professional Identities // Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging.View from Russia:[Electronic resource]: collected papers European Sociological Association 14th Conference “Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging”(Manchester, GB, Augest 20-24, 2019)/ Editor-in-Chief V. Mansurov. Moscow: RSS; FCTAS RAS. 2019. P. 133-143. 1 CD ROM; 12 sm – system requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/10 – Title from disk label.

712. Rozhdestvenskaya, E. (2019). The Epitome of the Russian National Idea: Comparative Reconstruction in Sculpture and Narrative. The Qualitative Report, 24(13), 75-87. Retrieved from https://nsuworks.nova.edu/tqr/vol24/iss13/7

713. Саганенко Г. И., Гегер А. Э., Боярский К.К., Дудина В.И., Степанова Е.
Saganenko G., Geger A., Boyarsky K., Dudina V., Stepanova E. Research Technology Based on Open-Ended Questions: The Key Modules, Contribution of Software Discant // Proceedings of the 25th Conference of Open Innovations Association, FRUCT, Helsinki, Finland. 2019. № 25. С. 552-558.

714. Savchenko I.A., Ageeva N.A., Rodzikovskaya T.A., Ustinkin S.V. Ideal Female Types in Sociological and Philosophical Understanding (on the example of the concept “heroid”). In: Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research. “Humanities and Social Sciences: Novations, Problems, Prospects” (HSSNPP 2019), 2019, Vol. 333, pp. 128-134. DOI: 10.2991/hssnpp-19.2019.24.

715. Пронина Е. И.
School and its Role in the Socialization of High School Pupils in the Conditions of Modernization of the Education System // Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging.View from Russia:[Electronic resource]: collected papers European Sociological Association 14th Conference “Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging”(Manchester, GB, Augest 20-24, 2019)/ Editor-in-Chief V. Mansurov. Moscow: RSS; FCTAS RAS. 2019. P. 89-93. 1 CD ROM; 12 sm – system requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/10 – Title from disk label.

716. Semenova V.V., Rozhdestvenskaya E.Yu. Florian Znaniecki heritage in the context of Russian discourse. Przegląd Socjologiczny, 2019, Vol. 68, Issue 4, pp. 149-169. DOI: 10.26485/PS/2019/68.4/7.

717. Shatrova E.A. Modernization of Professions and Specialties. Transformation from Offline to Online Ones: Russian Case in the World’s Tendency. In: Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging. Abstract Book. 14th ESA Conference, Manchester, 20-23 August 2019. Paris: European Sociological Association, 2019. P. 466.

718. Shchukin T., Nogovitsin O. Difficulties in Particular: Theological and Historical Context of the Anonymous Treatise “On the Common Nature and the Trinity”. Scrinium – Journal of Patrology and Critical Hagiography, 2019, Vol. 15, pp. 238-258. DOI: 10.1163/18177565-00151P15.

719. Муханова М. Н.
Social and Professional Employment Structure of the of the Rural Population of Russia in the Informal Sector (2011-2017) // Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging.View from Russia:[Electronic resource]: collected papers European Sociological Association 14th Conference “Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging”(Manchester, GB, Augest 20-24, 2019)/ Editor-in-Chief V. Mansurov. Moscow: RSS; FCTAS RAS. 2019. P. 216-223. 1 CD ROM; 12 sm – system requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/10 – Title from disk label.

720. Позднякова М. Е.
Specific Features of Deviant Behavior of Juveniles in Russia:on the Way of Criminalization and Desocialization // Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging.View from Russia:[Electronic resource]: collected papers European Sociological Association 14th Conference “Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging”(Manchester, GB, Augest 20-24, 2019)/ Editor-in-Chief V. Mansurov. Moscow: RSS; FCTAS RAS. 2019. P. 278-286. 1 CD ROM; 12 sm – system requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/10 – Title from disk label.

721. Башева О. А.
Spontaneous volunteering in Emergency // Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging.View from Russia:[Electronic resource]: collected papers European Sociological Association 14th Conference “Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging”(Manchester, GB, Augest 20-24, 2019)/ Editor-in-Chief V. Mansurov. Moscow: RSS; FCTAS RAS. 2019. P. 29-37. 1 CD ROM; 12 sm – system requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/10 – Title from disk label. DOI: Нет.

722. Temnitskiy A.L. Independence in Work as a Socio-Cultural Phenomenon in Russia and Other Countries. Social Sciences, 2019, Vol. 50, No 2, pp. 21-35. DOI: 10.21146/0134-5486-2019-50-2-21-35.

723. Нарбут Н. П.
Ten years of historical sociology in Prague: A new perspective branch of Czech sociology // Вестник РУДН. Серия: Социология. 2019. Т. 19. № 1. С. 167-174. DOI: 10.22363/2313-2272-2019-19-1-167-174.

724. Яницкий О. Н.
The Europe and Beyond: the Conflicts, Uncertainties and Hybrid Risks // Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging.View from Russia:[Electronic resource]: collected papers European Sociological Association 14th Conference “Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging”(Manchester, GB, Augest 20-24, 2019)/ Editor-in-Chief V. Mansurov. Moscow: RSS; FCTAS RAS. 2019. P. 7-18. 1 CD ROM; 12 sm – system requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/10 – Title from disk label.

725. Мансуров В. А., Семенова А. В., Иванова Е. Ю.
The Generation of Russian Engineers in the Era of Stagnation: Fate and Profession // Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging.View from Russia:[Electronic resource]: collected papers European Sociological Association 14th Conference “Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging”(Manchester, GB, Augest 20-24, 2019)/ Editor-in-Chief V. Mansurov. Moscow: RSS; FCTAS RAS. 2019. P. 176-181. 1 CD ROM; 12 sm – system requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/10 – Title from disk label.

726. Каныгин Г. В., Полтинникова М. С.
The graph context-oriented ontological methods // Cloud of Science. 2019. T. 6. № 2. С. 246-264.

727. Тощенко Ж. Т.
Toshchenko Z. From Phenomenon to Noumenon: Methodological and Methodical Search in Sociology. Social Sciences, 2019, Vol. 50, Issue 4, pp. 80-92. DOI: 10.21557/SSC.56924919.

728. Trofimova I., Morgan W.J., Kliucharev G. When There Is No Choice: Electoral Preferences of Russians In Times of Ideological Uncertainty. In: Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging. Abstract Book. 14th ESA Conference, Manchester, 20-23 August 2019. Paris: European Sociological Association, 2019. P. 698.

729. Tykanova, E., Khokhlova, A. Grassroots Urban Protests in St. Petersburg: (Non-)Participation in Decision-Making About the Futures of City Territories. International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, 2019, pp. 1-22. DOI: 10.1007/s10767-019-9324-3.

730. Urada, L.A.; Rusakova, M.; Odinokova, V.; Tsuyuki, K.; Raj, A.; Silverman, J.G. Sexual Exploitation as a Minor, Violence, and HIV/STI Risk among Women Trading Sex in St. Petersburg and Orenburg, Russia. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, Vol. 16, Issue 22, pp. 4343. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16224343.

731. Uzunov V.V., Semenova E.K., Volkov Yu.G., Popov A.V., Vereshchagina A.V. Management activities effectiveness in modern Russian institution in the context of head workplace modeling. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 2019, Vol. 7, No 5, pp. 712-718. DOI: 10.18510/hssr.2019.7587 .

732. Vasiljeva M.V., Ivleva M.I., Karaev A.K., Nikitina N.I., Podzorova M. I. The development of meta-competencies in undergraduate students through the lens of personality development theory. Opcion, Vol. 35. Special Issue 23, pp. 1524–1543.

733. Vereshchagina A.V., Volkov Yu.G., Lyuev A.K., Rachipa A.V., Uzunov V.V. Management of Consolidation Potential of Patriotism in the Regional Space of The South of Russia. International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, 2019, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 356-361.

734. Vlassov V.V., Shishkin S.V., Chirikova A.E., Vlasova A.V. An idea alien to both worlds: why health care rationing is not acceptable in the USA and Russia. Journal of Medical Law and Ethics, 2019, No 3, pp. 231-240. DOI: 10.7590/221354020X15815920230924.

735. Volkov Yu.G., Kurbatov V.I., Rachipa A.V., Uzunov V.V., Gekkiev S.Z. Communication and Information Capital In Self-Management and Self-Organization of Online Virtual Community. International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, 2019, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 384-389.

736. Volkov Yu.G., Mareev V.I., Kumykov A.M., Guskov I.A., Uzunov V.V. Creativity and spirituality in the context of comprehending philosophical traditions. European Journal of Science and Theology, 2019, Vol.15, No. 2, pp. 9-18.

737. Volkov Yu.G., Vereshchagina A.V., Zhapuev Z.A., Meskhi B.B., Popov A.V. Social Investment Model of Regional Management and Its Realization Peculiarities in South of Russia. International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, 2019, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 369-375.

738. Voronov V.V., Shulepin M.V. Foreign experience of additional professional education in law enforcement systems and its importance for Russia. Materials of the International Conference “Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration” - Reports in English. Part 2 (August 31, 2019. Beijing, PRC). P. 62-69. DOI: 10.34660/INF.2019.15.36309.

739. Y. Ermolaeva, N. W. Weins, C. L. da Silva, L. da Costa. Ferreira Social factors of waste management in megacities: a comparison between Moscow & São Paulo. Forum Internacional de Resíduos Sólidos, FIRS annal, 2019, pp. 1-9.

740. Yanitsky O.N, Basheva O.A. On Theory and Practice of the Volunteer s Participation in Mitigation of Critical Situations. Global Journal of Human Social Sciences: (C) Sociology & Culture, 2019, Vol. 19, Issue 3, Version 1.0, pp. 12-21. DOI: Нет.

741. Yanitsky O.N. (2019). Some reflections before the Beginning of the Research Project on Modern Natural and Technological Challenges in Russia. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 6 (11)1-8. DOI: 10.14738/assrj.611.7326.

742. Yanitsky O.N. Education in the Context of Current Globalization. International Research in Higher Education, 2019, vol. 4, issue 2, pp. 37-44. DOI: 10.5430/irhe.v4n2p37 .

743. Yanitsky Oleg N. Creative Education in the Critical Situations: A View from Russia // Creative Education, 2019, Vol. 10, Issue 10, pp. 2232-2245. DOI: 10.4236/ce.2019.1010161.

744. Yanitsky Oleg N. Creative Education: A View from Russia. Creative Education, 2019, Vol. 10, Issue 4, pp. 752-765. DOI: 10.4236/ce.2019.104056.

745. Яницкий О. Н.
Yanitsky, O. (2019). The Necessary Triad: A ScienceEducation-Social Activity. Creative Education, 10, 3345-3356. DOI: 10.4236/ce.2019.1013257 .

746. Zelenko B.I. Network law in virtual space (descriptive context). Justitias Welt, August 2019, Ausgabe 37, pp. 1-5.

747. Ермолаева Ю. В.
Zero-waste мегаполисы в России: реализация эффективной схемы управления отходами в России по данным экспертного опроса на примере Москвы и Казани // Научный результат. Социология и управление. 2019. Т. 5. № 1. С. 96-108. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2019-5-1-0-8.

748. Zhuravleva I., Lakomova N. Social aspects of adolescent health. Osterreichisches Multiscience Journal, 2019, Vol. 1, Issue 19, pp. 51-54.

749. Малинов А. В., Морозов В.Н., Тоноян Л.Г.
…Я сделал лучшее дело моей жизни: работа В.И. Ламанского в венецианских архивах // Вопросы истории. 2019. № 12 (1). С. 275–287. DOI: 10.31166/VoprosyIstorii201912Statyi19.

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