Supplementary Professional Education in the Strategies of Working Specialists, 1995 to 2005

Попова И.П.
Supplementary Professional Education in the Strategies of Working Specialists, 1995 to 2005 // Russian Education and Society, vol. 50, no. 11, November 2008, pp. 36–58.
ISSN 1060–9393/2009

Размещена на сайте: 03.11.11

Текст статьи.

Ссылка при цитировании:

Попова И.П. Supplementary Professional Education in the Strategies of Working Specialists, 1995 to 2005 // Russian Education and Society, vol. 50, no. 11, November 2008, pp. 36–58.


In the present article, supplementary professional education [SPE] is examined first and foremost as an important element of the mechanism for the activization of the country’s intellectual potential. The conceptual model of this mechanism consists, first of all, of professional groups of the economically active population that have a fundamental professional education and have mastered the skills of creative activity, people who are employed primarily in sectors of the sphere of production, the functioning of which is  based on the application of theoretical knowledge and a high level of qualifications; and, second, institutions that serve their reproduction, effective utilization, and redistribution. A block that is to be identified with supplementary professional education. Analysis of situation with SPE was made of the data of the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS).

Ключевые слова:

дополнительное профессиональное образование непрерывное образование специалисты профессиональные группы интеллектуальный потенциал человеческий капитал


Социология образования
Социология профессий и профессиональных групп

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