I.P. Popova, A.L. Temnitskii. On the Problem of Structural Changes in Intellectual and Professional Potential [of the Russian Population] ...

Попова И.П., Темницкий А.Л.
I.P. Popova, A.L. Temnitskii. On the Problem of Structural Changes in Intellectual and Professional Potential [of the Russian Population] // Russian Education and Society. 2012. №5.
ISSN 1060-9393

Размещена на сайте: 04.08.13

Текст статьи.

Ссылка при цитировании:

Попова И.П., Темницкий А.Л. I.P. Popova, A.L. Temnitskii. On the Problem of Structural Changes in Intellectual and Professional Potential [of the Russian Population] // Russian Education and Society. 2012. №5.


Research on the current state of the intellectual and professional potential of Russia shows that the career aspirations of young specialists do not fit well with the labor force needs, and are not well suited to developing crucial areas of the economy.

Ключевые слова:

professional structure professional group mobility intellectual potential professional potential branches of the economy specialists qualified work


Социальная структура и стратификация
Социология труда

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