Vanke A. Masculinities, Bodies and Subjectivities: Working-Class Men Negotiating Russia’s Post-Soviet Gender Order

Vanke A. Masculinities, Bodies and Subjectivities: Working-Class Men Negotiating Russia’s Post-Soviet Gender Order // Masculinity, Labour and Neoliberalism: Working-Class Men in International Perspective / Ed. by Ch. Walker, S. Roberts. London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2018. P. 195-218.
ISBN 978-3-319-63171-4

Размещена на сайте: 30.11.17

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Ссылка при цитировании:

Vanke A. Masculinities, Bodies and Subjectivities: Working-Class Men Negotiating Russia’s Post-Soviet Gender Order // Masculinity, Labour and Neoliberalism: Working-Class Men in International Perspective / Ed. by Ch. Walker, S. Roberts. London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2018. P. 195-218. DOI:
Vanke A. (2018) Masculinities, Bodies and Subjectivities: Working-Class Men Negotiating Russia’s Post-Soviet Gender Order. In: Walker C., Roberts S. (eds) Masculinity, Labour, and Neoliberalism. Global Masculinities. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham DOI:


Ваньке А.В.


This chapter considers the interrelation between masculinities, bodies and subjectivities of Russian working-class men generated by Russia’s post-Soviet gender order. The collapse of the Soviet Union led to large transformations in Russian society that changed its social structure significantly. During the period of transition, some social classes and groups, which had been sustained by the state and respected in Soviet times, were devalued and downshifted. Working-class people, especially men, experienced this downgrade in the greatest measure. Building on the approaches by Michel Foucault and Raewyn Connell, the chapter examines masculine subjectivities constituted through body and sexual practices of working-class men, and it explains the peculiarities of post-Soviet gender order reflecting Russia’s new forms of socioeconomic politics. The author defines several types of working-class masculinity, which are classic masculine subjectivity reproducing patterns of the Soviet gender order and trying to sustain a normative gender model; and new masculine subjectivity combining neoliberal and counter-neoliberal patterns which can be divided into consuming and protest masculinities.

Ключевые слова:

мужчины рабочего класса маскулинности тела субъективности working-class men masculinities bodies subjectivities


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